Idea for Tutoring in Programming

I I just had this idea in a dream, and it sounds pretty great, so I’m going to flesh it out a bit.

Several Different Aspects To Course

My own journey is broad and varied, and the student can get a job at any point along the way he/she is qualified.

The course will commence on using UNIX, because that is what I can teach. If another person is a Windows programmer, rock on. But I can teach using Linux.


  1. Learning Linux
  2. Learn HTML, CSS, JS and Front-end
  3. Get set up and productive with an editor and git
  4. Good programmer habits
  5. Intro to Web Devel
  6. Intro to CSS and Styling
  7. Installing a Database
  8. Installing Wordpress
  9. Intro to JS and jQuery
  10. Intro to talking to a Database in JS/jQuery
  11. Writing a Simple Backend in Node
  12. Writing a Simple React Client
  13. Writing a Simple Backend in Ruby Rails
  14. Writing a Simple Backend in Python/Flask and Python/Django


  1. Installing Linux
  2. Basic Linux Desktop Survival Basic Desktop Customizing
  3. Basic Linux Distribution Survival and Usage
  4. Basic Linux System Admin
  5. Basic Terminal Commands
  6. Basic Vi Editor
  7. Basic BASH programs
  8. More In Depth Linux System Admin
  9. More In Depth BASH Programming
  10. Intermediate Vi Editor
  11. Intro to Python, Ruby, PHP, and Javascript and Node
  12. Installing Git, Getting Comfortable
  13. Intro to Servers and Back End Programming Installing Wordpress, Ruby, Node and Python if necessary
  14. Programming Pathways: Frontend, Backend, Wordpress, DevOps

Intro to Web Development

  1. First concepts and programs
  2. Our Project: A Portfolio
  3. Focusing on Structure and Positioning
  4. The Psychology of Web Dev: Colors and Flow
  5. Finding Teaching Assets on the Web
  6. Find other peoples’ projects and portfolios and ideas
  7. Solve problems for yourself

Intro to CSS

  1. What is Style?
  2. Good style and bad style
  3. Your toolbox
  4. Where to learn about styling
  5. Who are the experts of style and where do you fit?
  6. Responsive Style
  7. Styling Frameworks
  8. SASS
  9. BEM
  10. Solving some CSS Problems

Intro to Javascript and jQuery

  1. Building a front end project from your own idea
  2. Getting Started and Gitting going
  3. Working with an API

Building a Wordpress Site

  1. Installing and First Concepts
  2. Styling and Theming Your Site
  3. Writing a Wordpress Theme
  4. Writing a Wordpress Plugin
  5. Being a Wordpress Developer

Writing a Backend in Node

  1. Postman and similar clients
  2. Understanding HTTP, REST and Databases
  3. This is the world of UNIX and Linux
  4. More classes on this subject
  5. Ideas for Projects
  6. Walking Through Using a Simple MongoDB Instance
  7. Walking Through Using a Simple Postgres Instance

Writing a Simple React Client

Writing a Backend in Ruby/Rails

Writing a Backend in Python/Flask

Writing a Backend in Python/Django

Diving Deeper into React on the Front End